On Sep 25-26 we gathered over 400 prometheans, who came together as one.
We started PHX with a question: “Can we replicate a society that is free of preordained norms, the absence of guaranteed meaning, of absolute truths, in order to create a temporary no-time space where conventional rules are suspended?”
We set out to create a day designed to enable engineered serendipity.
The PHX 2019 unconference connected the dots between scientists and scientific advancements, technologists, investors, creatives and artists who are positively shaping the way our world operates.
Purposeful connections were made and open discussions flowed from transcending human consciousness, to the beautiful minds of world’s leading quantum physicists, to moving from ownership to stewardship in the field of digital assets. Including:
Debating what we’re missing in today's society with varying philosophies (are we doing the best that we can?)
Investing in future proof technology with a human touch
Exploring the parallels between nano and nature
How to effectively give back
Exploring the merger between physical and digital systems
Discussions on sustainability of the macro to micro perspective
The future of liveable cities